How to propagate cypress and thuja in a simple way: this is the technique of gardeners

Is propagating cypress and thuja also possible with DIY? With these expert tips it will be very easy.

The nurserymen of the sector always teach, step by step, how to propagate the plants. A fun and natural method, which allows you to multiply the various types of plants without having to buy new ones. Propagating cypress and thuja is not difficult, although a minimum of green thumb is definitely required to accomplish the goal. How do you do it? The word to the gardeners.

Cypress and thuja: what are the characteristics?

The cypress and thuja represent a green shrub, often present in gardens as decoration. It is an ideal plant for an elegant and refined hedge. This evergreen species reaches up to 60 meters in height, with an intense and slow vertical development.

Propagate thuja cypress

In ancient times, this plant was widely used by the American Indians for the construction of canoes, houses and totems. The primary characteristic of this wood is to be resistant and very light.

For its cultivation prefers fertile soil, which retains moisture and limestone. Water stagnation is an enemy for the plant, although the soil must always be well drained and enriched with pumice or sand.

Propagate cypress and thuja easily

The cypresses and thuja, in general, are propagated by seed or you can choose the path by vegetative way. Gardeners prefer propagation by cuttings during the spring. This saves time for sprouting the various seeds and also preserves the main characteristics of the main plant.

Experienced gardeners emphasize how to do this action with DIY, through classic video tutorials. However, it is advisable to always ask for practical advice from professionals in the sector, so as to be able to complete the propagation without damage or errors of various kinds.

Cypress propagation

It is good to know that the cuttings are harvested in spring, even better from the end of March until the end of April. Shrubs after winter begin to grow again, and cutting some cuttings means stimulating them and strengthening the roots.

The buds must have a length of about 12cm, with a future diameter not exceeding 8mm. Shoots that are one year old are definitely better, with natural branches that can be used as cuttings. The product must be placed in a container full of water, until it develops its roots. Immediately after that you will have to put in the ground for its development. The development process needs some advice from nurserymen:

  • If the cutting is fresh the cut must be done obliquely;
  • Where the cut is positioned it is good to remove the bark by leveraging;
  • Leave the sprouts by removing only the needles.

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